Elevate your impact!

Sublime Fund is a charity that makes philanthropy easy.
Donate monthly to multiple charities from one place.

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How Sublime Fund Works

1. Choose
Choose charities working on causes that are important to you.

2. Subscribe
You'll automatically donate to all of them once a month.

3. Feel Good
We'll keep you updated!

One home for charitable giving

Put your donations on autopilot
You won't have to keep remembering to donate.
Maintain your privacy
You won't get requests in your inbox and mailbox for more donations.
Keep your donation history organized
View all your donations in one place.
Claim tax deductions
We'll send you an end of year summary email to make it simple.
Easily update or cancel your donations
Do it online any time.
We don't make any profit from your donations
We're a charity ourselves!
Advocate for your charities
Create a public profile to show the world who you support.
Offer to match donations
Incentivize other people to donate by matching them.

Featured Charities

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You can still subscribe to our free newsletter.

Are you involved with a charity?

Go to our dedicated page for charities to find out how we can help you.

Have any questions or concerns?

Check out our FAQ (frequently asked questions), chat with us, or contact us.

© 2025 Sublime Fund, a 501(c)(3) non-profit
Our EIN is 47-3720824.

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Version 2024.